Financial crisis

— Support for life’s ups & downs —

Support if you need urgent financial help.

A personal financial crisis can be caused by many things, including factors that are completely outside of your control. Whether you’ve lost your job, received an unexpectedly big bill, or have too many debts, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by money problems, it can be said that you’re experiencing a financial crisis. 

The first thing to remember in this situation is that you’re not on your own. If you recognise that you are in trouble and need help, there are services that can help you take back control and get back on your feet.

Practical help through the ‘Ask Izzy’ website

Ask Izzy is a website that connects people in need with everyday necessities, food, housing, money help, family violence support, counselling and more all around Australia. It’s free and anonymous. If you’re on the Telstra or Vodafone mobile networks, you can access Ask Izzy on your phone even if you don’t have credit or access to wifi. 

Find a financial counsellor

Financial counsellors are professionals who can guide you through your situation, help you find solutions for debt and advocate on your behalf. Their services are always free, confidential, and non-judgemental.

OrganisationHow to get help
National Debt Helpline
Information and advice Resources for specific money issues
1800 007 007
Online chat

Paying bills and debts

If you’re having trouble paying bills and debts due to financial hardship, you may have the option to have your payments waived, reduced, postponed, or spread out. 

You’ll find that many billers and lenders would rather agree to reasonable new terms of payment and keep you as a paying customer than chase you for a debt. Most larger businesses have a ‘hardship department’ with dedicated and trained workers for this purpose.

But first, what is financial hardship?

You may qualify for financial hardship support when you don’t have enough income to meet your expenses.

If you can’t pay your bills

If you can pay something towards your bill or debt, you might want to take a look at the following resources for help navigating the options available to you:

Payment termssteps to take for negotiating new terms of payment
Energy and water providerscontacting hardship departments
Templates and other resourcesproduced by the Consumer Action Law Centre
Bank hardship departmentscontact details of the hardship departments of most Australian banks
Urgent helpwhere to get help in an emergency by Moneysmart

If you can’t pay anything at all, contact the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007.

Always keep a written record when contacting anyone about difficulty paying a bill. It’s wise to keep a note of when you called, who you spoke with, and what you discussed.

Centrelink payments

The Australian Government provides income support payments through Centrelink. You can use this tool to learn about your eligibility for payments. If you already receive Centrelink payments, you may be able to access Crisis support payments and advance payments

If you don’t already get Centrelink payments, go to Services Australia to learn more about the services and support they offer. 

Dealing with Centrelink

Many people find dealing with Centrelink difficult. Applying for payments can be confusing. Most payments are set too low and have overly strict requirements.

📌 See our dealing with Centrelink page.

No Interest Loans

No Interest Loans (NILs) allow you to borrow money to help you get back on your feet without having any of the crippling interest or high fees that come with other forms of loans. 

How does it work?

NILs are typically offered for up to $2,000-$3,000 for rent or bond, essentials like fridges, washing machines, furniture, kitchenware, medical expenses, car repairs, education fees, and other goods and services you might need to get back on your feet.

There are certain rules around who can apply for NILs. Generally, you must: 

  • have a Health Care Card, a Pensioner Concession Card (or an income less than $45,000 per year after tax) 
  • have lived at your current address for more than three months 
  • show that you can repay the loan. 

Who provides NILs?

The No Interest Loan Scheme is one of the financial services provided by Good Shepherd Microfinance. You can find providers on the Good Shepherd website.


Experiencing financial stress can lead to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Likewise, people experiencing mental health issues can find themselves in financial stress if this affects their ability to work or make financial decisions. 

Whether or not you feel this is happening for you, it’s important to take care of yourself. A good place to start is by talking to someone.

OrganisationHow to get help
National Debt Helpline
Free financial counsellors
1800 007 007
Online chat
Crisis support services
13 11 14
Online chat 
Beyond Blue
Mental health support services
1300 224 636
Online chat 
MensLine Australia
Information and referral service for men with family and relationship concerns
1300 789 978
Online chat 
Suicide Call Back Service
Specialist counselling services
1300 659 467
Online chat 

This information was last updated on 5 June 2023.

The links and resources in this article have been compiled and reviewed by the Brotherhood of St. Laurence. We aren’t responsible for what you’ll find at the links, though we do hope you find the information useful. See our disclaimer if you’d like to know more.  

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